If were gonna have a music board, I'd rather have it look like the r slash heads community because this is boring. Grateful dead & Brand New? Not exactly blowing minds out here

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 years ago

    holy necropost batman. idk a lot of it tends to be very nationalistic and gross. like a lot of right wingers talk about forcibly removing / killing germans and russians today. as in just people that moved there recently. those kinda people love the prague spring. theres also a religious element to it where people like to liken him to jan hus.

    • zapata [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Interesting! I didn't think right wingers would view socialists like Dubček as one of theirs (or indeed Palach). What does the Czech left make of the Prague Spring today?

      • kristina [she/her]
        4 years ago

        they see it as generally bad but there were some redeeming figures. tbf most of the czech left are boomers so anyone trying to change things up = bad. dubcek later was chairman after the overthrow of communism and the rape of czechoslovakia by capitalists so hes got a bit more to him than just being a socialist reformer. he also joined the socdems in slovakia

        • zapata [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Thx for the info :) I flunked a history of Czechoslovakia class so this helps fill in the gaps of that godawful class (prof was a hardcore Slovak nationalist who equated communism with Nazism lol). What do you think of Karel Kryl? One of those annoying nationalists?