I don't mean to call anyone out - I despise conflict, especially of the sectarian variety.
I wrote the following in response to someone's assertion that all anarchism is, amounts solely to fighting in the streets, but it is a more general response to how I feel about the community in general - vis-a-vis Marxist-Leninists in particular. Since this comm. is fairly quiet, I figured I'd put it here as I spent a lot of time writing it and it would be a shame if no one saw it. 😑

I am becoming more and more convinced that the ML crowds that are the loudest proponents of 'read history' and 'read theory' do absolutely neither.
Anarchism is one of the prestige forms of socialism - it was half of the First International, and, just like Marxism, was disseminated and adopted throughout the world during the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • Even during Marx's time, one of the most informative experiences of the era was that of the Paris Commune - heavily contributed to by anarchists.
  • The Russian revolution was not undertaken solely by a cadre of intellectual vanguardists - it was facilitated by the formation of the proletariat and peasantry into trade unions, factory committees and worker's soviets - at this time, Lenin et al weren't even in the country due to exile.
  • Even Lenin on his deathbed spoke of 'witnessing the resurrection of the tsarist bureaucracy to which the Bolsheviks had only given a Soviet veneer'; after the civil war rejecting the popular demand for socialism via worker-control and disbanding organisations like parties, committees and soviets - not to mention utilising force when necessary such as at Kronstadt. This is not a blunt stab at the Bolsheviks - it is important to note the Marxist Contradiction: That the Bolshevik state was established to achieve socialism and to represent the interests of the proletariat - yet, at the opportunistic post-Civil War moment to do so, they declined, instead favouring the opposite.
  • Mao himself read anarchist theory and was inspired by it - beyond being a passing interest as a young man, it likely fed the basis of his later departures from Marxist-Leninism and criticisms of state bureaucracy.
  • In Korea, anarchists established the Korean People's Association - an autonomous confederation of 2 million people, operating on a mutual aid based economy.
  • It would be folly to discount entirely the efforts of the Spanish anarchists in establishing 'actually existing socialism' in Catalonia and Andalusia - money was abolished, productivity increased, and thousands took up arms in horizontal armies to fight the fascists. Putting aside issues of ideological supremacy, these are real, material impacts that in some cases have lasting effects - even today the municipality of Marinaleda maintains a system of mutual aid, collective ownership and autonomy.
  • In Cuba, anarchists lent their support to the revolution wholeheartedly - joining the guerilla groups fighting Batista directly.
  • Edit: Of course, how could I forget the Zapatistas? They currently control a sizeable territory in Mexico, and have been directly addressing the needs of their largely rural and underprivileged citizens for over 25 years.

In many of these cases, anarchists have repeatedly facilitated revolution, and even established instances of real, tangible socialism. That they did not survive suppression and encirclement is not proof of their lack of capacity for success - if such a thing was true, the Soviet Union would never have been established (on the basis of historical revolutionary suppression and exile) nor should there be Marxist-Leninists left now that it has been dismantled.

The assertion that anarchist movements are prone to corruption and co-option by reactionaries is also flawed - the same applies to Marxist-Leninist parties too. There is no shortage of ML parties in various countries extolling reactionary views today, and the conditions that led to the dismantling of the USSR can be seen as exactly this phenomenon - the undermining of public trust in the party by propaganda and the infiltration of the party itself by opportunists and yes-men for the purpose of usurping it.
How can Marxist-Leninists say with confidence that their method is the only scientific application of Marxism; lambasting others for their perceived vulnerabilities to Western capital; when not even their prestige test-case itself was immune? How can we be expected to fall in line with the logic "The Marxist-Leninist state was undermined and dismantled. The solution is Marxist-Leninism."

Finally, why is it that calls for 'Left Unity' apply solely to Marxist-Leninism - that we should overlook our differences in their favour in the interest of the bigger picture, yet you will find nothing in kind from them?
I have spent years carrying water for ML ideologies - for the USSR, for China, etc. - against my personal beliefs and better judgment in the interest of internationalism and anti-imperialism. The least I expect, is to be treated like a communistic equal, fighting in the same struggle. Instead, our communities are filled with Marxist-Leninists quotebombing dissenters with Lenin and stamping on anarchists at every possible opportunity - only occasionally moderating themselves with a token "I have many anarchist friends, but..." or "I support left unity, but..."

Put aside your wretched egos for once in your lives. Consider the fundamentals of our theory and praxis - that material conditions around the world and throughout history are not uniform. There may indeed be cases where Marxist-Leninism is the most effective - I claim that in earnest.
Will you be able to acknowledge the possibility of cases where anarchism is the most viable? Especially when anarchism spans such a range of approaches and theories - from syndicalism to mutualism to synthesism.
You need to be aware, that for many people, the barrier to the adoption of Marxist-Leninism is not simply the influence of Western propaganda, or the the lack of 'reading theory' - it is our diametric opposition to hierarchy in any form. That does not preclude our contributions to your causes - it means that they are done voluntarily.

The truest demonstration of Left Unity for me, will be when I don't feel like an outsider, as a communist within the communist community.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Don’t you think that each person having a stake in how it’s done, a feeling of self-ownership, would induce people to resist capitalist methods? Why is having one small group of people that has stratified power over others (“leadership”) better than having many small groups of people with a united cause?

    No. I do not. For the reasons outlined in this post giving examples of those methods: https://hexbear.net/post/48138/comment/441948

    Your conception of what "capitalist methods" are needs to broaden to include far more complex and nuanced attack methods that you are currently imagining. Good old community spirit doesn't overcome racial prejudices when people's families are being cut into pieces in the streets by religious zealots that are being associated with a minority race.

    What guarantees that after defending a hierarchy this whole time, that we’ll shift gears and dismantle it?

    Historical materialism does. Contradiction gives rise to struggle. If a contradiction exists then struggle to eliminate it occurs. This occurred with tribes, it occurred with slavery, it occurred with monarchies, it occurred with mercantilism, it is occurring now with class struggle under capitalism, and it will occur in the socialist phase of our societal development. You can call that dogmatic but there is not a single example to refute it. You're imagining something occurring without any evidence or historical basis for it. This argument boils down to "What if your imperfect society creates conditions the make it impossible to achieve our perfect society?" and it is very odd because conditions currently exist that make it impossible to achieve the perfect society we all want anyway. We simply can't jump from where we are to the perfect communist utopia we all agree that we want. There must be a step between. Yes that step will not be perfect. It will however still be better than it currently is.

    I just don’t think that role should persist outside the scope of combat

    You are in persistent combat forever until all the capitalist countries are gone. "Peace" only exists in that there is not an ongoing actual battle with people shooting bullets at each other but that by no means means maneuvers and strategies to bring about the elimination your entire society are not occurring at all times. Just because the shooting has stopped does not mean they aren't implementing an active ongoing strategy to destroy you that requires an active and ongoing response from people with the fulltime responsibility to perform that role. The problem however is that the response required is not as simple as shooting back or moving some tanks, complex attack exists at a societal and cultural level.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      4 years ago

      Contradiction gives rise to struggle. If a contradiction exists then struggle to eliminate it occurs. This occurred with tribes, it occurred with slavery, it occurred with monarchies, it occurred with mercantilism

      Tribes still exist. Slavery definitely still exists, with more people enslaved than ever before. Monarchies still exist, and far from dying out, de facto monarchies have popped into existence frequently enough. Feudalism and mercantilism didn't vanish, so much as they made the small evolution to capitalism to stabilize themselves while keeping their characteristic traits of economic domination by a minority. The above are all parts of a genetic lineage of "the predatory phase of human history". Communism necessarily needs to escape that whole branch, not to continue along it, and reach the separate branch that contains primitive communism. You can't say that just because there's a contradiction that it will necessarily result in progress, that it won't be resolved by a status that is stable yet results in untold amounts of human misery.

      You’re imagining something occurring without any evidence or historical basis for it.

      I'm not imagining something, you are projecting and doing an inversion. This discussion is about the validity of ML as a political strategy to achieve communism, and the concept of a dictatorship "of the proletariat" that ends itself of its own accord. Neither of these have come to pass. ML regimes have made notable progress, but there is nothing to suggest that they ended up on a course to end capitalism globally; they have invariably all stalled out. Dictatorships don't just voluntarily cede power, there is not a single case you can name when that has happened. It doesn't matter how saintly your dictator is, they are still human, they are still subject to the availability bias, and this will inevitably result in people close to them being structurally favored in society (stratified).

      What do you think would happen in a society that just lets literally everyone discuss what to do about terrorist attacks

      Maybe if there was a recent real-world example of exactly the situation you are suggesting, let's say, a socialist polity that's under attack by Western-backed religious fundamentalists and also by ethno-imperialists. Maybe their military command doesn't extend beyond the armed forces at all; maybe they even have a military that requires you to learn decolonial and feminist perspectives, and has further institutional protections to prevent the military from perpetuating a hypermasculinized culture of violence. I can't quite put my finger on it. Can you name an example of this?

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Tribes still exist. Slavery definitely still exists, with more people enslaved than ever before. Monarchies still exist, and far from dying out, de facto monarchies have popped into existence frequently enough. Feudalism and mercantilism didn’t vanish, so much as they made the small evolution to capitalism to stabilize themselves while keeping their characteristic traits of economic domination by a minority. The above are all parts of a genetic lineage of “the predatory phase of human history”. Communism necessarily needs to escape that whole branch, not to continue along it, and reach the separate branch that contains primitive communism. You can’t say that just because there’s a contradiction that it will necessarily result in progress, that it won’t be resolved by a status that is stable yet results in untold amounts of human misery.

        Fuck me. Not as a global system of organising society. How can I have a conversation with you about this topic if you're not going to engage it from a basic ground in socialist theory? Both anarchist and ml theory all holds its roots in marx's work, you can't ignore historical materialism or make arguments that make claims that completely disregard all the points of historical materialism. Do you understand the concept? Have you actually read the foundation works of everything all of our theory and movements have built off of for the last 250 years? Their piecemeal existence is a part of the structure of capitalism today. Not the basis of the organisation of society.

        Neither of these have come to pass.

        You absolutely can't make that assessment because the conditions for it to come to pass, which have been repeatedly stated for the last 250 years, have not occurred. It will not come to pass until capitalism is gone. It will not come to pass until socialism is the basis of organisation of society. That is not the case. We live in a capitalist organised world. This only confirms my belief that you haven't actually read any of theory at all, you're making arguments that claim things haven't happened that nobody has said should have happened, literally nobody claimed these things would occur under the conditions that we live in. The ONLY time that the state will begin to fade away it is no longer required in order to protect the dictatorship of the proletariat -- it exists to protect the dictatorship of the proletariat from capitalist attack, it will begin to fade when that threat no longer exists because we will restructure resources that are will be wasted defending us from... Nothing. Those conditions and ONLY those conditions have ever been the claim of Marx and everyone ever since him. Please read the theory properly. Nobody has made any claim that it would happen while capitalism is still the method of organising society in the world.

        Maybe if there was a recent real-world example of exactly the situation you are suggesting, let’s say, a socialist polity that’s under attack by Western-backed religious fundamentalists and also by ethno-imperialists. Maybe their military command doesn’t extend beyond the armed forces at all; maybe they even have a military that requires you to learn decolonial and feminist perspectives, and has further institutional protections to prevent the military from perpetuating a hypermasculinized culture of violence. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Can you name an example of this?

        Did you just completely ignore the comment I linked to and told you to read?

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          4 years ago

          Lmao at 150-year-old theory being the foundation and sine qua non of all socialist/communist projects going back 250 years. This is what dogma does to your brain. Just accept the text harder, if you don't see how it has all the answers then you're just not believing in it enough. You treat Marx's work like fundies treat the Bible.

          If your understanding of communism was strong enough to hold up to criticisn, you could explain it in a way that makes sense, and wouldn't have to throw "that's not what I meant, read all this one guy's stuff".

          Marxist historical analysis is a way of explaining general changes ex post facto. It doesn't "predict" things the way scientific theories do.

          It sounds like you're saying that we can't fully do away with earlier stages (tribes, feudalism) until we finally achieve the last stage of development. Just a couple more lifetimes, keep the faith.

          The ONLY time that the state will begin to fade away it is no longer required in order to protect the dictatorship of the proletariat

          Wow TIL states have never faded away in the past 10,000 years of human existence. I was really hoping for a counterexample that disproves the assertion there, but I guess there is none.

          Did you just completely ignore the comment I linked to and told you to read?

          You mean the one I quoted? Answer the question instead of trying to change the subject.

          Is there a socialist-ecologist-feminist polity out there, maybe somewhere in western Asia, with an updated strategy on countering the pitfalls of "leadership", or isn't there?

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Look, I'm not going to read this after reading the first sentence. I'm not going to continue a discussion with someone that wants to be hostile, aggressive or insult the other side in every single comment. It's not a good faith exchange and this is supposed to be a unity website, rethink that.