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  • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]M
    3 years ago

    codebase is already at a huge state of incompatibility because of changes we've implemented so far. when i take features upstream i can't really even pull our code into theirs easily. i pretty much just have to copy/paste the code over to a new file on their codebase and rewrite some pieces to match up.

    this is also why we have not merged upstream for a while. it's...a huge task. incredible amount of merge conflicts.

    if we were to continue maintaining the current fork while also trying to merge upstream into our codebase and also send features upstream...i personally would have hit such a large state of burnout i may not have been able to come back from.

    i'm still going to work on lemmy too, but instead i'll just be translating typescript to rust.

    • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      From the depths of my soul thank you for all your hard work comrade.

      I really regret not listening to the libs who said "learn to code."

    • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
      3 years ago

      why doesn’t the larger hexbear simply eat the lemmy?

      why don’t they merge/adopt our code? ya’ll have basically upscaled lemmy operations for 10k concurrent users; wouldn’t it be better if any lemmy can serve 10k concurrent?

      • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]M
        3 years ago

        not much we can do about diesel's (one of the rust tools) lack of features. if we can build them with tooling that does what we want to do, we can get something working and well tested and then try to work around diesel for upstream

        • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
          3 years ago

          Truly fascinating stuff and my biggest regret is really not learning to code more than just python scripts, which I could help. I guess if ya’ll needed a document writer I could donate some time next year >_>

          • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]M
            3 years ago

            any and all help is appreciated. sometimes it's something like someone picking up documentation tasks or writing up bug reports from less-technical users that can take a lot of stress off of devs _