This is when fascists start getting very dangerous. Please fight reactionaries whenever and wherever you see them

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    It’d be far more effective and humanitarian to help those people evacuate than to die for the empire.

    This is a fantasy. It is impossible to simply "evacuate" tens of millions of people (at minimum) from the U.S. Even if it were possible, abandoning the U.S. to open fascism quite directly endangers the entire planet.

    There's no way to check out of this problem, at least not long-term.

    • Straight_Depth [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Thinking about it, you present an awful choice once I consider this holistically; on the one hand, you're fighting for the lives of people who deserve help, on the other you're still helping empire consolidate its grasp and legitimize its own existence in a time of crisis. You may help save lives, but at the cost of a newly strengthened, now further emboldened and hardened empire with god-knows-what kind of future leadership and potential ideological purges lined up.