Sorry, I haven't really been able to keep up with things, had to sleep for like 8 hours. Talk of total state collapse? What happened with the weather?

    • fuckwit [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I know it's inevitable, but what I do not want to wait for is people collectively deciding that this sort of disruption to their daily life is fine since they might personally be insulated from the consequences. I would say the collapse started in 2001 but I do agree that we're at or near the climax at the moment.

    • blly509 [he/him,any]
      3 years ago

      I need to read up more on this whole "independent power" thing. I know their grid is connected to the rest of the US (Just check out the transmission lines at so the idea of buying and selling energy to the extent that it completely isolated a gigantic state that is full of power plants is crazy. Is this the energy equivalent of the GME short, where everything on the market was for sale and now they can't afford to buy any now?

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        3 years ago

        From what I understand in theory the power can go from one state to the other. But power is managed by market exchanges in the US (this is blindingly..uh...unwise) The Texas Market refuses to engage with the two other exchanges, and operates independently. So only Texas power can be bought for use in Texas, and Texas doesn't have any power to sell.

        Basically, it's like not being able to call the fire brigade because their webstore only allows local fire brigades to be called.