Sorry, I haven't really been able to keep up with things, had to sleep for like 8 hours. Talk of total state collapse? What happened with the weather?

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Yet another freak, once-in-a-generation, storm has occurred except this time it's a winter storm not a hurricane. And it's happening to the entire midwest but especially the southern midwest which has been, ironically, dominated by the oil industrial complex. Texas in particular has had it's infrastructure fucked by libertarian nonsense for decades and now it's failing under the global crisis created by the same people who pushed their anti-federalism zealotry.

    I know we joke about "real collapse hours" but this is some real end of empire shit. Just one crisis piling up on another like floors collapsing in a falling skyscraper. And it's absolutely destroying this country in a way nobody has ever seen. We're so big that it hasn't quite caught up to everyplace so most people wouldn't know if it weren't for the news and social media. But in about 20 years the entire country is going to look like post-war Baghdad. Just crumbling ruins and people trying to maintain some normal life living among them. Pandemic after pandemic, natural disaster after disaster. The only ingredient we're missing is massive civil unrest.