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  • cosecantphi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Most leftist subreddits are like this for some reason, especially the ones that have been around for a long time. I got autobanned from r/communism101 for having previously posted in Bernie subreddits. Who do they expect to radicalize into becoming communists if not people who were once succdems? Seriously boggles the mind.

      • Bedulge [he/him]
        3 years ago

        A perfect example of that user's nonsense right here. I wondered if that sub was as bad as I remembered and wandered into a recent post. Some people asking if the DPRK is actually as evil as they were told. Basically signaled multiple times that they are ready to accept the ML counterarguments telling him that everything he was told about the DPRK is propaganda.

        Response from the user in question? 2 paragraph screed telling the asker that even daring to ask this question when you don't already agree with their answer is racist.

          • Bedulge [he/him]
            3 years ago

            It's such a liberal idealist mindset. Anyone with a materialist outlook will understand that the asker is framing their question according to the only framing they have access to, which is the framing they were given by the society they lived in. That's all they can do until learning about other ways of looking at things.

            But if you're a fucking idealist, I guess you expect someone to already know and understand the answer before they've even asked the question. and if they don't they are bad.