It was ages ago we hit 10000 members. We should be 20000 strong arr en.

  • Poop [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    People stopped advertising on reddit, at least not nearly as much as summer
    For example back in the day chapo was so active that the posts would get on rising and top/hour so a whole bunch of easily radicalized libs (like me) could get trapped in. Now there is no outlet to the general lib population
    Edit: to be clear i dont really know what the solution is here, I think it just goes back to trying to advertise on other bigger sites. Maybe try and get some screencaps on whitepeopletwitter or aboringdystopia, places that are generally somewhat receptive to left-lib ideas

    • Woly [any]
      3 years ago

      It also feels like the reddit leftist population is more stratified after the chapo sub went down. Since they specifically forbid any subreddit made for the same purpose, so the only subs that survived had different focuses. So now we have genzedong, dankleft, breadtube, etc, and they all sort of hate each other.

        • Woly [any]
          3 years ago

          Basically. Maybe some people will disagree, but to me it felt like the old sub had some actual semblance of left unity, and was quickly becoming some kind of, I don't know, cultural force on reddit. And I totally believe that bannening was 100% about getting rid of r/chapotraphouse and had nothing to do with the alt-right subs that got banned at the same time.

          • Sonnenvogel [he/him]
            3 years ago

            The subreddit became so influential on the online left they even named a podcast after it!

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            And I totally believe that bannening was 100% about getting rid of r/chapotraphouse and had nothing to do with the alt-right subs that got banned at the same time.

            Remember, T_D had been a ghost town for months when reddit finally took out the trash. IIRC a bunch of their mods had been removed by admins and they had a long window where they could direct users to their off-reddit site via a sticky on T_D's corpse.

            The rest of the alt-right subs taken down in the same ban were pretty small.