Just discovered that admins are removing resource-content on the subreddit. Both the DPRK and China megathreads that are in the sidebar have been removed, probably others too.

I doubt this is unique to only /r/communism, /r/communism101 is probably going to be hit as well.

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Do you know what a justification is? Did the admins say "well, you see, we removed this content because it uncovered imperialist lies"?

    • cum_drinker69 [any]
      4 years ago

      Probably nothing, same with the "rule breaking content" they could never seem to directly point out in the old CTH sub. They don't give a shit.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Eh. We weren't really shy about breaking rules in CTH lol (which was cool). They had an excuse to ban us.