It was ages ago we hit 10000 members. We should be 20000 strong arr en.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Previously I took things from here I knew were good, slapped watermarks on them and posted them on reddit. 5 minutes of effort and half of them would blow up.

      These days I post stickied comments to /r/therightcantmeme threads that are hitting /r/all.

      At any other opportunity I mention the place and proselytize shamelessly about how good it is and how important it is to build leftist-owned media independent of liberal ownership.

      The point isn't really what you do though. It's that you do something. It doesn't matter whether it reaches 1 person or 1000 persons. What matters is the consistency in doing it. It all adds up over time and it all adds to the normalisation of the site as a force to pay attention to.